The Daily Dos
- Rise Early
Greet every new day with a love and hope. Each day gives you a chance to start over. Each day gives you a new chance to do your best. Successful people know this secret -- “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin.
- Make Your Bed
Making your bed daily is one of the best habits you can start. Watch this short video by Admiral McRaven to learn why the Marines make their bed every day.
- Drink Plenty of Lemon Water
We all know we should stay hydrated. Drinking lemon water daily will boost your hydration efforts with many other benefits. Listen to this informative video which teaches why drinking lemon water will benefit you.
- Manage Your Time
We all have the exact same amount of time in a day. But, successful people have learned to manage their time. Watch this short video to learn how to manage your time.
- Practice Gratitude
Begin everyday with gratitude. Listen to this video to learn why successful people practice daily gratitude. .
- Meditate
Learn to live in the present and seek your higher self. Meditate daily. Listen to this short video which explains why mediation is so important.
- Set Intentions
To be successful you need to set daily intentions. Make conscious choices for your life. Learn how to set intentions with this short video.
- Keep Work-Life Balance
Separate out your personal life from your work life. Research shows that keeping a work-life balance creates better workers and happier people. Create a Pie Of Life diagram for your life. The Pie of Life will teach you to create and maintain a work-life balance. Click here to make your Pie of Life.
- Eat Healthy With the Mediterranean Diet
Doctors recommend eating the Mediterranean diet above all other diets. Watch this short video to learn why this diet is health for you.
- Exercise
Daily exercise is among the daily habits that successful people employ. Listen to this short video to learn 5 reasons why you should exercise daily.
- Declutter Your Life
Successful people know that a simple life is preferable to a cluttered life. Watch this short video to learn how to declutter your life.
- Read Everyday
Did you know reading makes you more empathetic? Listen to this short video to learn the most important reasons to read every day.
- Create
Picasso said "Art washes away the dust of everyday life". Try a self-help art therapy workbook. Art therapy can take on many forms. Look online for free documentaries in addition to books for purchase.
- Vision & Imagine
Successful people have a vision for their life. They imagine the possibilities then create goals to achieve their vision. Watch this short video to learn how to create a life vision.
- Get Quality Sleep
Getting enough sleep each day is essential to mental, physical, and spiritual health. If your circadian rhythm is off, this may effect your sleep. Learn how to reset your circadian rhythm with this short video.