Biblically Based Meditation

A Gateway to Calm and Peace

Biblical Meditation: A Gateway to Calm and Inner Peace


Meditation is an ancient practice that has been adopted by various cultures and religions for centuries. In Christianity, meditation is often seen as a way to draw closer to God and develop a deeper relationship with Him. In this article, we will explore the practice of biblical meditation, its benefits, and how to implement it in daily life.

What is Biblical Meditation?

Biblical meditation is not a form of mystical or occult practice. Rather, it is a contemplative discipline that allows Christians to actively engage with Scripture, allowing it to penetrate their hearts and souls. Biblical meditation is not a passive activity; it involves reading, reflecting, and contemplating specific Bible verses, allowing their meaning to sink deeply into one’s consciousness.

Why Should We Meditate?

There are several reasons why meditation is crucial from a godly perspective. Firstly, it allows us to slow down and become more aware of our thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. By quieting our minds, we can better hear the voice of God and receive His guidance.

Secondly, meditation helps us to cultivate a more intimate connection with the Bible. When we take the time to delve into Scripture, we can appreciate its depth, beauty, and relevance in our own lives. It enables us to see beyond the surface words and uncover the deeper meanings that lie within.

Thirdly, meditation fosters spiritual growth. As we meditate on God’s Word, we are reminded of His character, promises, and faithfulness. It motivates us to live according to His will and become more like Him.

How to Do Biblical Meditation

Meditating on Scripture can be done in various ways. Here are a few simple techniques to help you incorporate it into your daily life:

1. Choose a Verse: Start by selecting a verse or passage from the Bible that resonates with you. It could be a comforting verse, a challenging verse, or one that offers guidance for a particular situation.

2. Read and Reflect: Read your chosen verse slowly and more than once. Pay attention to the words and phrases and allow their meaning to sink into your consciousness. Allow yourself to be open to new insights and interpretations.

3. Contemplate: Reflect on the verse by considering its meaning and how it applies to your life. Consider its historical context, any cross-references, and any personal experiences or insights that it brings to you.

4. Pray: Meditating on a verse often leads to prayer. Use the verse as a prayer prompt, asking God to help you apply it to your life and to deepen your understanding of it.

5. Write or Journal: Writing about what you have meditated on can help you process your thoughts and reflections. Jot down any insights, feelings, or questions that arise during your meditation.

6. Repeat: Feel free to continue meditating on the same verse for days, weeks, or even months. Each time you meditate, you may experience new insights or meanings.

Benefits of Biblical Meditation

Biblical meditation offers numerous benefits not only to the soul but also to the body and mind. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Inner Peace and Calm

Regularly engaging in biblical meditation can help create a sense of inner peace and tranquility. It can counteract the negative effects of stress, anxiety, and restlessness, providing a sense of calm and well-being.

2. Deeper Understanding of Scripture

Through meditation, we can gain a deeper understanding of Scripture and its application to our lives. It helps us engage with the Bible on a deeper level, allowing us to grasp its teachings and principles more clearly.

3. Spiritual Growth

Meditation on Scripture provides opportunities for spiritual growth. As we reflect on God’s Word, we are reminded of His character and His desire for our lives. It motivates us to align our thoughts, actions, and desires with His.

4. Emotional Well-being

Meditation on Scripture can be a therapeutic tool for managing emotions and fostering emotional well-being. It can provide us with comfort, hope, and guidance during challenging times.

5. Mental Clarity and Focus

Engaging in biblical meditation can help clear the mind and improve mental focus. It allows us to declutter our thoughts and distractions, providing a space for deeper contemplation and reflection.

6. Physical Health and Well-being

Meditation has been shown to have positive effects on physical health. It can promote better sleep, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

7. Increased Faith and Trust

By meditating on Scripture, we develop a stronger faith and trust in God. It reinforces our relationship with Him and deepens our understanding of His promises and faithfulness.


Biblical meditation is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, inner peace, and emotional well-being. By incorporating it into our daily routine, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God and experience the benefits of a quieter mind, a strengthened faith, and a more fulfilling life. So, let us make time each day to meditate on God’s Word and allow His presence to permeate our lives. 


This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate upon it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

He went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching.

I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.

I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds.

Finally, brothers, whatsoever is true, whatsoever is honorable, whatsoever is just, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worth of praise, think about these things.

Even though princes sit plotting against me, your servant will meditate on your statutes.

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, and because they trust in you.

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and show meditates on His Law day and night.

Consider a daily devotional time reading the Holy Bible, or other Wisdom Books. You can use a devotional book to guide your focus.

Additionally, you can listen to these free videos with holy verses and healing vibrational music. 

Take a moment, breathe, listen/watch a video/audio. Repeat as needed.